Special Viewing
Carving Destiny Art Exhibition
Saturday, September 29, 10 – noon
@ Union League Club of Chicago (65 Jackson Blvd., Chicago)
Free Admission
Alphonse Mucha, Albín Polášek & Vojtěch Preissig
Great Artits & Czech Patriots with Strong Chicago Connections
Slav Epic Poster
Alphonse Mucha & his patron Charles Crane
presented the monumental cycle as a gift to the
City of Prague on the occasion of the 10th
anniversary of Czechoslovakia
Depiction of Josephine Crane by Alphonse Mucha on the Czechoslovak Banknote
Woodrow Wilson Monument in Prague by Albín Polášek
Poster by Vojtěch Preissig, 1916
“Czechoslovak Republic Exists! – This Is Its New Emblem!”
Poster by Vojtěch Preissig, 1939
Blaník Knight – T. G. Masaryk Monument
by Albín Polášek on the University of Chicago’s campus
Free Admission. Advaced reservations are required and can be made @
[email protected],
+1 312 861 1037, ext. 100